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HTW II Bio-Circle

Bio-Circle HTW

Manual parts washer HP VIGO

HTW is available in three sizes: HTW II – 800, HTW II 1000, and HTW II – 1200. 

The HTW is made completely from stainless steel and powerful, easy and safe to operate and handle, and hence perfect for parts cleaning in service and maintenance, production and manufacturing. Due to the powered rotating rack and the spray pressure, the Bio-Circle cleaners in the hot-water parts washer have an optimal effect on the items to be cleaned. By adding the product Corrosion protection for water-based systems, also temporary preservation of the cleaned work pieces is achieved. 


Advantages of Bio-Circle HTW:

  • Completely made from stainless steel, for mechanical cleaning in the acidic, neutral and alkaline range 
  • Power-actuated rotating rack with motor protection 
  • Powerful stainless steel pump 
  • Compact design, easy handling, high cleaning power 
  • Effective and economical 
  • Perfect for parts cleaning in service and maintenance, production, manufacturing, and the service industry 
  • Energy-efficient 
  • Outstanding cleaning results in combination with the STAR cleaners 


Do you have any questions? Contact EIE Process: 

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