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Spreader rolls for the paper industry

Spreader Rolls

We offer high quality products for the paper industry.

Spreader Rolls for the paper industry


Spreader rolls, also known as spreader rollers or bowed rolls, are specialized rolls used in various industries to manage and control flat materials such as paper, film, textiles, and foils during processing. These rolls are designed to prevent wrinkles and creases, ensuring a smooth and stable path of the material through the production process.


Spreader rolls are crucial in industries where the handling of flat materials needs to be precise and free from defects. Their specialized design and functionality ensure that materials remain smooth and evenly distributed throughout the production process, enhancing product quality and operational efficiency.


Supplier of Spreader Rolls

EIE Process has extensive experience with spreader rolls and their various applications. We offer our customers personalized service and guide you to the right choice of spreader rolls from our supplier, Andritz.

  • Customized Spreader Rolls, designed for the intended application
  • Premium Quality Spreader Rolls
  • Technical Expertise, Extensive Experience, and Personalized Service


Function of Spreader Rolls

A spreader roll's purpose is to use its bow shape to stretch a running web laterally to prevent wrinkling. The running web that needs to be spread can be, for example, a paper web or press felt in a paper machine, or a textile web or plastic film in a converting machine. Spreader rolls are designed and customized individually for the unique application where they will be installed.


Service of Spreader Rolls

EIE Process performs service on all types and brands of spreader rolls at our workshop in Högdalen, Stockholm.


How is Service Performed on a Spreader Roll?

Upon arrival, the spreader roll is inspected. Measurements and troubleshooting analysis are carried out. Based on the troubleshooting analysis and the spreader roll's application, we then suggest the appropriate service to be conducted. After the service is completed, the spreader roll is test-run, including a vibration test.


Handling Spreader Rolls

For the function and longevity of the spreader roll, it is crucial to handle it correctly regarding operation, maintenance, storage, transport, etc. See user instructions for spreader rolls in the link below:


Download data sheet from our supplier Andritz:


Do you have any questions? Contact EIE Process: 

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