Till sidans huvudinnehåll
En skumspruta på 1,5 L som är särskilt framtagen för rengöringsprodukter med rengöringsskum.


A 1.5 L foam sprayer specially designed for cleaning products with cleaning foam.

Cleaning products with cleaning foam

This foam sprayer, Foam Sprayer 1.5 L, is optimally adapted for cleaning products with foam from Bio-Circle. The pressure in the spray bottle varies depending on how much you manually pump up the pressure. 

We have a large selection of gentle industrial detergents, cleaning products, washing liquids and accessories from our supplier Bio-Circle. We also have the opportunity to show you our demo products in EIE's own workshop in Stockholm, alternatively we visit your company for a demo of relevant washing and cleaning products.


Do you have any questions? Contact EIE Process: 

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