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ALUSTAR 100 är en produkt som är särskilt anpassad för användning i automatiserade avfettningsprocesser inom industriella miljöer.

ALUSTAR 100 | Bio-Circle

Cleaning liquid for degreasing components

ALUSTAR 100 is a label-free product for use in automated degreasing processes. It can be used on aluminum and on other sensitive surfaces, such as galvanized components etc.


 Advantages for ALUSTAR 100:

  • Water-based, solvent-free cleaning agent for mechanical applications
  • Suitable for cleaning aluminium, galvanized surfaces and plastic, but also for steel and stainless steel
  • No labeling is required according to the CLP Regulation
  • Its separating properties facilitate the removal of grease and oil on components
  • The effective composition allows ALUSTAR 100 to be used with a concentration as low as 3 to 5%
  • ALUSTAR 100 is a low-temperature cleaning agent and thus works effectively at ambient temperature. The cleaning ability increases with rising temperature.


The product is available in the following sizes:

  • 20 L canister
  • 200 L barrel
  • 1000 L IBC


Documents for ALUSTAR 100:


Do you have any questions? Contact EIE Process: 

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